1. A horrible act of violence against another person or group --- Atrocity
2. A formal statement of aims, goals, and principles of an organization --- Charter
3. The systematic killing of a people group by another people group --- Genocide
4. A person or group that tries to improve the lives of others --- Humanitarian
5. To give formal approval to an agreement --- Ratify
6. Penalties for violating rules --- Sanctions
7. A vote that rejects a measure or bill --- Veto
Step-by-step explanation:
1- Atrocity is called any excessive and disproportionate action that is carried out with brutality or violence.
2- A charter is a written document in which the organizational bases and purposes of a certain organization are laid down, as well as its internal rules.
3- Genocide is an international crime that includes any act perpetrated with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such.
4- A humanitarian is that person who dedicates his time and resources to promote the welfare of other people, especially those who can not provide for themselves. A clear example is Mother Teresa.
5- The ratification is the manifestation of will by which a person or organization gives consent to be reached by the effects of a legal act that, in its origin, does not have sufficient legal power to bind him.
6- It is called sanction to the penalty established for the one that violates a law or a legal norm.
7- The word veto is used to denote that a certain party has the right to unilaterally stop a particular piece of legislation.
In the United States, the president has the ability to veto the legislation that has passed through Congress, but this right is not absolute. A qualified 2/3 majority of both houses can pass a law, even against a presidential veto; however, if the proposed law has only a simple majority, the president's veto is decisive.