Napoleon Bonaparte valued Louisiana
Territory, especially New Orleans, only as
long as France controlled Haiti. The French
called Haiti "Saint-Domingue" and the
Spanish called it "Santo Domingo."
Haiti was fighting French rule. There were
10 slaves for every one French plantation
owner in Haiti. They united in a violent
struggle for independence.
Toussaint L'Ouverture was a former slave
who became a leader as the rebellion grew.
The Haitians respected him.
The French tricked L'Ouverture to come to a
meeting where he was captured and taken
to prison. He suffered and died there.
However, Bonaparte was busy fighting the
British and could not send enough troops or
supplies to stop the whole rebellion.
Frustrated, he was ready to give up on Haiti
by early 1803. Haiti was the first nation to
win independence through a slave revolt.
Step-by-step explanation: