"Often they came very close and stared at the men with black bead-like eyes. At these times they were uncanny and sinister in their unblinking scrutiny, and the men hooted angrily at them, telling them to be gone."
"After it had been discouraged from the pursuit the captain breathed easier on account of his hair, and others breathed easier because the bird struck their minds at this time as being somehow gruesome and ominous."
Step-by-step explanation:
These are some of the lines that show how man projects his own fears on nature, while nature remains indifferent. In these lines, we learn about the way the men think of the birds. We learn that they believe the birds to be uncanny, sinister, gruesome and ominous. This is most likely a consequence of the fact that the men are scared and they project their fear on nature. However, the birds remain indifferent, as shown by their "unblinking scrutiny."