I'm just going to say the friends name is Sam.
A mi querido amigo Sam,
siento informarle de que he sido enviado a la sala de emergencias, no gracias a mi hermano. Me empujó hacia abajo de las escaleras y yo me disloqué el hombro. Actaulmente estoy en el consultorio médico El médico esperando para poner mi hombro nuevamente en su lugar. Siento haber tenido que perder nuestros planes para hoy, pero prometo elegiremos otro dia.
Un saluda, (insert your name)
Translated into English means
To my dearest friend Sam,
I'm sorry to inform you that I have been sent to the emergency room no thanks to my brother. He pushed me down the stairs and I dislocated my shoulder. I'm currently in the doctor's office waiting for the doctor to put my shoulder back into place. I'm sorry I had to miss our plans for today but I promise we'll pick another day
Yours truly, ( insert your name)