1- Envision --- To "see" something in the future as an idea or invention . That is, the projection of future ideas as planned objectives.
2- Gulag --- A Russian prison or labor camp. The word Gulag has come to denominate besides not only the administration of the concentration camps but also to the Soviet system of forced labor in itself, in all its forms and varieties.
3- Illicit --- Something that is illegal or unlawful . That is, something contrary to law.
4- Perennial --- Something which is enduring year after year (That has no end, that is endless).
5- Ridicule --- To put down or mock in a mean way .
6- Stereotype --- The act of characterizing a group of people in some way . It is known with the name of stereotype to the exaggerated perception and with few details, simplified, that is had on a person or group of people who share certain characteristics, qualities and abilities.