Harry TrumanCreated the Containment policy, Domini Theory, and Marshall PlanJoseph StalinDistrusted America and it's Allies, created communist govs in east europe after WW2, and buffer against future western aggressionNikita KrushchevApproved the building of the Berlin Wall,1961 and ordered nuclear missiles sent to Cuba,1962Fidel CastroAccepted missiles from S.U. to protect against futur American attackDwight EisenhowerGained popularity from WW2 and sent American "advisors" to VietnamRonald ReaganRenewed American defense build up, credited with convincing Gorbachev to end the Cold WarMikhail GorbachevFinal leader of the S.U, spent more money on rebuliding Russia, less on militaryJon F. KennedyConvinced Soviets to remove missles from Cuba and guarenteeing on American on the moonLyndon B. JohnsonFollowing assaination of JFK and greatly expaned America's role in VietnamRichard NixonEnding American involment in VietnamGeneral Douglas McArthurGeneral of the United Nations during the Korean War