1- Arnold Schoenberg --- Five Pieces for Orchestra
The piece evolves the concept of "total chromatism" and was composed when Schoenberg was going through an intense personal and artistic crisis, which is reflected in the tensions and violence, sometimes extreme, of the play. At times unsettled and disturbing, music has a particular parallel with the expressionist movement of the time, in particular its concern for the subconscious and its incipient madness.
2- Igor Stravinsky --- The Rite of Spring
The Rite of Spring is a musical work for orchestra composed in 1913 by the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. The author composed it as an integral part of the series of ballets created for Sergey Diaghilev's company, "Les Ballets Russes", presented in Paris in the 1910s.
3- Scott Joplin --- Maple Leaf Rag
It is one of the first ragtime compositions written by Joplin, and one of the most famous in the genre. Its copyright dates from September 18, 1899. It was the first instrumental piece to sell more than one million sheets.