The correct answer should indicate an understanding of the logical fallacy of a faulty analogy, which is discussed in the Application Lecture, and of why that fallacy does not prove the point being made. Here is an example of a correct answer:
Julia says, "Sam, I think we should date because we get along really well."
Sam responds, "We've only known each other for three days. I don't know you that well."
Julia says, "Getting to know a person is like eating a piece of cake. It only takes a bite to know if the cake's any good!"
Sam responds, "I don't think that people are anything like cake. Good-bye."
-In the above dialogue, Julia presents an argument that relies only on an analogy as evidence. Not only is the analogy the only piece of evidence, but it is also a weak analogy. It doesn't prove her point/conclusion that Sam and she should date.
Step-by-step explanation: