# We will use the array to store our triangles' cred.
triangles = [0,0,0,0]
#Get input from user.
triangles[0] = int(input("For Triangle A, enter the base: "))
triangles[1] = int(input("For Triangle A, enter the height: "))
triangles[2] = int(input("For Triangle A, enter the base: "))
triangles[3] = int(input("For Triangle B, enter the height: "))
#Print the areas.
print("Area of the Triangle A is: ",(triangles[0]*0.5*triangles[1]),"\\Area of the Triangle B is: ",(triangles[2]*0.5*triangles[3]))
#Find the largest or are these equal?
message = "These have the same area." if ((triangles[0]*0.5*triangles[1])==(triangles[2]*0.5*triangles[3])) else "Triangle B is larger than Triangle A." if ((triangles[0]*0.5*triangles[1]) < (triangles[2]*0.5*triangles[3])) else "Triangle A is larger than Triangle B."