A counterclaim, in my own words, is a rebuttle to any comments one might have against your Claim and one of it's reasons.
So! in order to fit this into your dilemma, you're going to want to ask yourself
"What might someone have to say against my reason? (Pick one)"
Then you should start the draft of your counter off by putting *If my readers where to question with "well what if___?" then i'd simply give them a reason / solution like---[COUNTER CLAIM]*
Now, onto my ideas for a good counter / rebuttle..
If they we're to question your claim... (your choice!) ...
along the lines of; why stop the use of pesticides? They prevent produce waste. Simply put: "Remember the ultimate goal of having a honey bee farm, to harvest honey, not to kill off pests with detrimental pesticides.
So if investment into pesticides is so important to the extent of having to use such risky methods. Why not invest in a more beneficial method? Such as sheltering the bee's with an insect proof structure? Or do away with the whole idea of outdoor honey farms, and make a systematic facility with flowers, bees, sunlight, etc."
Just did that by simply asking myself those questions above, you got this.
And you have my permission to use this work if need be, but you've made it this far. Like you said & im sure of it as well after reading your work; you can finish this on your own. GL