Saratoga, New York
Step-by-step explanation:
On in 1777, British Major General John Burgoyne surrenders 5,000 men to the Continental Army at Saratoga, New York. The surrender came following battles in and around Saratoga in September. Burgoyne’s surrender came at a pivotal point in the Revolutionary War, preventing the British from cutting off New England from the rest of the colonies. This decisive victory for the colonists was also the deciding factor in bringing French military support to the colonist’s cause.
The surrender of Major General Burgoyne is one of the most celebrated scenes in U.S. History. A painting depicting the scene, completed in 1821 by artist John Trumbull, hangs in the Capitol Rotunda. You can visit this, and many other great works of art, by contacting my office to set up a tour of the Capitol.