Read the following short passage.
So they parted, and the young man pursued his way until, being about to Dy turn the corner by the meeting-house, ne looked back and saw the head of Faith still
peeping after him with a melancholy air, in spite of her pink ribbons.
*Poor title Faith!* thought he, for his heart smote nim. "What a wretch am I to leave her on such an errand! She talks of dreams, too. I thought as she spoke
there was trouble in her face, as if a dream had warned her what work is to be done to-night. de But no, no; t would kill her to think it. Well, she's a plessed angel on
earth, and after this one night I'II cling to her skirts and follow her to heaven.*
Which point of view is used in this excerpt?
© First person
O second person
O Third-person limited
© Third-person omniscient