I looked into it a little but and apparently there are patches and pills, which one are you talking about? You gotta be careful with weigh loss and energy supplements that say 18 and up because generally adults metabolize and handle supplements better and you are pretty small, energy supplements are iffy because too much can lead to heart failure, heart attacks, or just a bad time of being all shook up. Weight loss supplements generally have some sort of caffeine to promote weight loss so you might be looking at a pretty caffeinated supplement. You are not overweight by any means so maybe look into a different energy supplement that doesn't promote weight loss at the same time. It wouldn't hurt you to take one, however, look at the contents, look at the caffeine and amounts of vitamins such as B12. There are a lot of natural (pretty cheap) energy promoting supplements or just vitamins that can help a lot with maintaining energy, and keeping your energy up helps you stay active which naturally tones out your body and promotes weight loss. So to conclude, its not going to hurt you to take one, but I would personally find a different supplement that would be more within my age range just for safe measures! You are not overreacting and it won't hurt you lol