Cultural appropriation is when someone does, wears, or says something that is usually looked down upon from another culture, and ten someone else does and makes it okay. For example, many African Americans have been ridiculed for wearing braids/cornrows; we've been called ghetto, unprofessional, etc. Although this has been happening for centuries, people will turn around and say that Kim Kardashian's "Boxer Braids" are the newest fashion trend. Do you see the double standard? Because a white person is doing it, it's all of a sudden okay, and then they'll be given credit for it (hence the name change from cornrows to boxer braids). Cultural appreciation is respecting one's culture and recognizing what that group of people went through, as well as, what you're appreciating represents (like a Native American's traditional head dress)/ what they have gone through as an oppressed people. Cultural appreciation also includes being open to the idea that if you are planning on wearing or doing something from another culture, that that group of people might be offended. FWI eating food from other culture's is not appropriating. And remember just because you say that you're appreciating doesn't automatically mean that you are. :) hope this wasn't too confusing!