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what are the three eastern bloc nations?


2 Answers

6 votes
Romania Bulgaria and Poland
User Sfackler
8.3k points
3 votes

The three Eastern Bloc nations of the chart are Poland, Romania and Bulgaria.

During the Cold War, the Eastern Bloc was the set of socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe led by the Soviet Union and facing the Western Bloc, composed mainly of the United States and Western Europe.

Durante la Guerra Fría, el Bloque del Este, también llamado bloque soviético, bloque comunista, bloque oriental, bloque socialista y campo socialista, fue el conjunto de países socialistas en Europa Central y del Este liderado por la Unión Soviética y enfrentado al Bloque Occidental, integrado principalmente por los Estados Unidos y Europa Occidental.

Existió entre el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1945) y el fin de la Guerra Fría con la disolución oficial del Pacto de Varsovia, aceptada por la Unión Soviética, en la reunión de Praga el 1 de julio de 1991. Finalmente la propia Unión Soviética dejó de existir como país el 25 de diciembre de 1991.

Del llamado bloque socialista formaban parte los países del centro y este de Europa (por ello el nombre 'Bloque del Este'), al este del Cortina de Hierro (a excepción de Yugoslavia)

During the Cold War, the Eastern Bloc, also called the Soviet bloc, communist bloc, eastern bloc, socialist bloc and socialist bloc, was the set of socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe led by the Soviet Union and facing the Western Bloc, composed mainly of the United States and Western Europe.

It existed between the end of the Second World War (1945) and the end of the Cold War with the official dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, accepted by the Soviet Union, at the Prague meeting on July 1, 1991.

The Eastern Bloc comprised the countries of central and eastern Europe, east of the Iron Curtain (with the exception of Yugoslavia).

User Thuga
7.7k points