Need this paragraph worded in french. Please help, and no google translate.
Epiphany is a christian holiday that celebrates where the Three Wise Kings brought gifts to baby Jesus. Epiphany is celebrated on January 6th. Originally, the Epiphany holiday was a Pagan celebration that represented light and the winter solstice. Christians adapted many Pagan holidays including Epiphany.
For every French person, the Epiphanyis synonymous with the “galette des rois”, a wafer king cake which is eaten ceremoniously a few days before and after 6 January.
There is a cake called, “La Gallete des Roix” meaning “Cake of the Kings.” It is a wafer cake, with a figurine of a king or baby jesus baked inside. Each person is given a slice and the last is given to poor strangers at homes. Whoever finds the figurine is considered the king or queen of the day, and gets to wear the paper crown.