Bring it back by the scruff of the neck. Ere you have reached the station you will have brought it back about forty times. Do not despair. Continue. Keep it up. Which revision uses signal words to clarify the sequence of events for readers? Bring it back by the scruff of the neck. Ere you have reached the station you will have brought it back about forty times. First, do not despair. Then, continue. Finally, keep it up. The procedure is to bring it back by the scruff of the neck. In fact, ere you have reached the station you will have brought it back about forty times. Do not despair. Continue. Keep it up. The process is to bring it back by the scruff of the neck. Ere you have reached the station you will have brought it back about forty times. That’s right, do not despair. Continue. Keep it up. Bring it back by the scruff of the neck. The truth is that once you have reached the station you will have brought it back about forty times. The plan is to not despair. Continue. Keep it up.