Most people want to make a gmae were a small character has to collect words that mean a certain word or have you answer question then you play. I feel lik that is a waste of time. Kids will just be focusing on the game wihtout the education part.
Minecraft is a good math game. You have to think about mulitplys to build a larger house. It also helps you understand the basic needs for life. If you are water plants or feeding yourself. You have to have food on you all the time because your hunger is always going down.
You would not to be able to play games like Happy Wars or COD. Those games help eye and hand corination, but I'm sure that wouldn't pass for phsyical education. The world's technology is moving. We need to move with it ans try to find some better ways to teach kids.
Some schools out the sexes. Its harder for a child with ADD or ADHD to focus on a board with all sorts of information being thrown at you. Having fast pacing games could help anyone with school. There could be a choice if you want to have regular course to gaming courses. Do a study! See how kids approve with computer than chalk boards.