The new theory would be validated only after its experimentally proved.
Step-by-step explanation:
The theory of chemical evolution was proposed by Oparin and Haldane. According to their theory the first life form originated from pre-existing non-living form like RNA, protein, etc. And this formation of first life form was preceded by chemical evolution i.e formation of organic molecules from inorganic constituents. It can be shown in an order of their origin as follows:
Free atoms -> Simple inorganic molecules -> simple organic molecules
-> complex organic molecules like DNA and RNA -> First life form.
This theory was proved by the experimental evidence of S.L Miller. Miller created the conditions similar to the primitive atmosphere in a laboratory scale. He succeeded in forming simple organic compounds such as amino acids and peptides from a mixture of water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen gas. Thus he proved the abiotic synthesis of organic compounds from inorganic molecules i.e the chemical evolution theory.