D.Prolonged conflict between Jewish and Palestinian people inhabiting the land
Step-by-step explanation:
The history of Israel as a State begins with its proclamation of independence in 1948. This historical fact was achieved after more than sixty years of political and diplomatic efforts by Zionism to establish a sovereign nation in what they considered to be their homeland , the ancient Land of Israel, also known as Palestine from the time of the Roman Empire.
Immediately after the declaration of the State of Israel, Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Iraq and Lebanon invaded the new country. In a bloody and desperate war characterized by the use of improvised weapons and skillful tactics, the Jews were able to repel the Arab attack and even advanced occupying new territories. A ceasefire was signed by both sides, establishing that the occupied territories would remain in the hands of Israel. As a result of this war, Israel occupied the territory assigned to it by the United Nations, plus a good part of the territory assigned to the Arabs and the western part of Jerusalem (Israel increased its territory by almost 50%). The western area of the Jordan (known as the West Bank after the Jordanian annexation) was occupied by the Arabs, occupied by Transjordania and the Gaza Strip, occupied by Egypt.
In 1949, under the auspices of the United Nations, four armistices were signed in Rhodes (Greece) between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, but in practice they never succeeded in solving the problem of Palestine and the violence in this region continues until our days.