1. Research the history of terrariums. Find out who developed the first terrarium. What did this particular scientist want to study?
- Terrariums are space-saving, low-maintenance and simply beautiful. These are just a few of the reasons why terrariums are good for individuals who live in tiny rooms or just for loving to garden.
2. What are the two different types of terrariums?
- There are two main types of terrariums, open and closed. The difference being, the closed container has a lid. Closed terrariums are for things you don't want roaming your house like spiders or lizards. Open terrariums are better for dry plants like cacti and will need to be misted with water a few times a week.
3. What are examples of the plant life and animal life that can be found in each type of terrarium? Be specific and include many types of life that could be found.
- Typically, plants that grow slowly work the best ; avoid fast growing plants.
4. How is a terrarium different than an aquarium?
- Land reptiles are frequently included in terrariums, such as snakes or lizards, or amphibians, such as frogs or tortoises. While aquariums are mainly filled with aquatic animals of some kind.
5. Each is a mini ecosystems and a representation of much larger ecosystems found on earth. Describe in detail including plant life and animal life what ecosystem each of these represents.
6. When the terrarium is sealed which geochemical cycle can be observed?
- Since it is closed, plant and soil water simply evaporates without any ventilation due to the increasing temperatures inside. Because the hot temperatures have no place to go, condensation grows on the terrarium's top and sides. For a steady supply of water, therefore, water flows back to the soil.