D. none of the above
Step-by-step explanation:
The theremin was invented in the 1920s by a Russian inventor named Lev Termen (or Leon Theremin, his American name). As he fiddled with a regular radio, he noticed that the sound waves shifted as his hands approached.
The artifact was the result of research on proximity sensors, funded by the Russian government in the middle of World War I. Leon was a 21-year-old inventor and musician when he created his therim, an instrument that generates sound without any contact from the musician: the curious object has a box-like shape, similar to old valve-powered radios with a long antenna.
The weird instrument, of course, caused some strangeness. But there were people who soon saw potential in the different sound of theremim. The first ambassador of the artifact was the Russian Clara Reisenberg Rockmore, known for being the greatest terrorist of all time, spreading the fame of the termim throughout the country in the 1930s.
But the familiar names that used the termim were later known. The Beach Boys used the instrument on Good Vibrations. Brian Wilson even admitted that he decided to use the termim because he was afraid of the sound of the instrument as a child. So to exorcise this fear, he decided to use the instrument on the compact, which is called "good vibes."
Jimmy Page also used the teremin with Led Zeppelin, including the performance of classics like Whole Lotta Love.