1. Yo ceno con los padres de Camila.
2. Los hermanos Torres estudian física y matemática.
3. Mi tía conversa con el profesor de computación.
4. Pepe dibuja en el cuaderno.
5. Los estudiantes preguntan dónde está la residencia estudiantil.
6. Luisa trabaja cerca de aquí.
7. Los profesores explican el horario de clases.
8. Mis vecinos regresan de sus vacaciones mañana.
9. Tú no desayunas por la mañana.
Step-by-step explanation:
The first sentence is the only one in which the verb is in the first person: yo ceno. In English: I have dinner with Camila's parents. The verbs estudian, preguntan, explican and regresan, all are in the third person plural. And that's why they all end with "n". The verbs conversa, dibuja and trabaja are in the third person singular, that's why the are similar in their ending. In this case they end with an "a" but there may be some verbs in the third person singular with different ending, for example with an "e": él sabe (he knows). The last one, desayunas, is in the second person singular. It refers to "you". In English: you don't have breakfast in the morning.