Writing Assignment: Teenage Sexuality During your teenage years, there will come a time when you must decide whether or not to engage in sexual activity. Too often this decision is made without much forethought. We find ourselves in a situation, and we act. Decisions made without forethought often have painful consequences, such as pregnancy, acquiring STDs, or abortions. Take the time now to examine this very important topic. The website you have looked at concerning adolescence also has information on the consequences of teenage sex. You may also talk with parents or other trusted adults about adolescent changes and choices. Use those resources to complete the graphic organizer. Please fill in three or more sections of each box in the graphic organizer. You do not have to use this format, but you must cover all for aspects of the topic. This information will help you think through the topic thoroughly. *It is important to note that we should never make judgements. We all make the choices that we feel are best for ourselves. Sometimes they are difficult and personal choices.