One impact of global warming is that our glaciers in Canada are melting rapidly. In flying over the snowy Coast Mts in 2014 on the way to the interior of BC I saw many alpine glaciers receding significantly. Historically, the glaciers have provided spring and summer melt water for our rivers and lakes and indirectly for irrigation and drinking water. Also, when the ice of Antarctica and the Arctic are included, the sea water levels are expected to rise by various meters which threatens cities and other habitations close to sea-level.
A second impact is the opposite-global warming has result in extreme rainfall and rapid melting of snow and this has often resulted in catastrophic flooding such as occurred in the Red River of Manitoba just south of Winnipeg in about 1997.
A third impact is drought such as Vancouver, BC Canada experienced in 2015 with next to no rain for most of the spring and summer. The result was that the cities' water supply was threatened by both evaporation and lack of replenishment and strong lawn sprinkling restrictions had to be implemented by the city . Far more serious is the ongoing drought in NE Africa in countries like Somalia where people numbering in the millions are facing famine as a result.
The plague of the pine beetle in British Columbia, Canada has wiped out vast tracts of pine trees ie by killing them since it does not get cold enough for a protracted period in the winter to kill the beetles. This has only happened in about the last 20 years so it a relatively new phenomena.