10. A: Embarrassed by her appearance, because she did not want Mr. Short to be seen suddenly and looking worn out.
This can be verified " After two years' separation both were appalled by the change in the other. One was wrinkled, the other haggard;......." "After gazing at each other they hastily turned away,....Mrs. tall ran inside"
11.A. impressed by the traditions that dictate his meals, because after narrating that about a hundred main dishes were laid on six tables for the empress, the writer goes on to say that he had about thirty main dishes laid out for show. Though he also uses the word "extravagance" to describe the manner in which this tradition had been passed on from one empress to the other. Furthermore, he continues explaining, naming and detailing the personalities involved meals are elaboration of the meals presented to him"The food I ate was sent over by the Empress Dowager, and after her death, by the High Consorts"....that skilled chefs produced twenty or more really delicious.......this was consumed by him but that those prepared by the imperial kitchens were set at a distance for the sake of appearances.
13.B: Admiring, because they had tried to release the crane into the wild and while waiting for the bird to take its own initiative they heard a shot but suddenly their bird "stretched its long neck with a whoop and disappeared into the sky. For a long time the boys could not take their eyes away from the blue sky into which their crane had soared.
14. B: Social Life, because the writer states at the end of the paragraph the Jane was already aware of Rose´s life style, clothes, lovely house...everything she needed to make life good for her but she also wanted to know how was her varsity life like.