Globalization is an economic and social phenomenon that emerged from the development of information and communication technologies, connecting markets, people and countries. Naturally, this phenomenon generates several impacts on the agents involved.
Consumers> greater choice of products: consumers are benefited by globalization, since the internationalization of production makes it possible to reduce costs and increase competitiveness, reducing the final price of goods and services.
work> increasing job opportunities: Globalization changes the production model. For example, global production chains, from globalization, allow the components of an appliance to be made in different countries until they are assembled together. In addition, globalization opens new jobs, for example, working with the internet - which did not exist until then.
business> increased competition: As has been said, globalization increases the number of suppliers and markets, as well as creating new products and services. Thus opens up a scenario of intensification of capitalism where only the most efficient companies able to continue in the market.