Humans adapt to their environments in order to survive.
Step-by-step explanation:
The humans, as a species, seem to be by far the most adaptable larger organism on the planet. Despite all humans originating in a single ecosystem, they have managed to use their brain power in order to overcome pretty much every obstacle, use to the maxiumum what nature offers, and quickly adapt to the conditions.
Humans have managed to inhabit pretty much all environments on Earth. They were using their inginuity to great extenet to do so, and whever they settled in an area that was different they changed their lifestyle, their diets, their activities, and over time even their physical characterisitcs in order to be able to survive and thrive easier. This is why humans can be found anywhere from the driest places to the rainiest places on Earth, from the coldest to hottests, and from the lowest to very high ones.