The best way in which a viral infection can be determined with certainty, and treatment can be established, would be: blood tests that measure the presence of lymphocytes, since lymphocytes are the body cells directly responsible for combating viral diseases and will be the first to be visible in a blood test.
Step-by-step explanation:
Lymphocytes are the white cells that are directly involved in any fight against viral infections. When their numbers appear elevated in a blood test, a doctor immediately knows that it is a virus, and not something else, which is causing the problem for the 35-year-old. There is a second way, but it is a bit less direct, and it is through the palpation of lymph nodes on the neck, an other parts of the body. This simple and non-invasive test, allows medical personnel to determine that there is a viral infection, but not which type it would be. The blood work specifies the virus with the type of lymphocytes that appear elevated in the blood test.