Throughout the Middle Ages, and a little beyond, a style of life was established, which ruled the world for a very long time, and especially Europe. Feudalism, as the system was called, established that all social, political, economic, and even protective, activities, took place around feuds, a land, big or small, where a Lord and his family ruled as leader of the property and the people who lived in it, and he owned everything. This Lord, and his family, lived in a Manor House (Castle) and this home was the center of power and control. Around the Manor House, people who worked in different crafts, warrriors, guards, and servants, established themselves in the Village, the surrounding homes that came near to the Manor House. The Village was inhabited basically by all those who did not work in any agricultural settings. Finally, the farmers, and laborers, who were responsible for supporting the Village and Manor House through the production of food, and other goods, were the poorest of the group, they lived on the fringes, and were responsible for the Fields and Farmland that belonged to the Lord. They were responsible for plowing, and producing, and at least half of what they produced needed to go to pay duties to the Lord for protection, and survival.