- Observe if the product has anti caries and anti gum disease function.
- Observe the price of the product.
- Observe if the quantity of the product is compatible with the suggested price.
- Observe if there are products with the same function and lowest price.
Step-by-step explanation:
When we are going to buy a product we should be aware of specific things. First we have to make sure that the product will satisfy our will. That is, if we want to buy a toothpaste that prevents caries and gum disease, we must have among all the options of toothpaste available, anti caries and anti gum disease function. Next we should look at the price of the product and judge if that price is fair. One way to make this judgment is by looking at the quantity of the product and assessing whether the quantity offered is appropriate to the price charged.
Finally, we should consider whether other similar product options with the same quality and function have cheaper prices, as these products would allow us to save money without giving up quality.