What Chamberlain not only claimed England should do, but even turned into policy, while pursuing the policy of appeasement, was to let Hitler, and Nazi Germany, continue their expansion into certain areas of Europe, without either France or England doing anything to stop him in his attempts. Basically, giving Hitler what he wanted, without intervention, while in the meantime they began to ready up their own military machines, as a precautionary measure, in case Germany decided to attack France. The idea, was to ensure that a new war would not ensue, after the horror of World War I. These ideas, and this attempt became in the 1930s a policy in itself, and it became known by the name of policy of appeasement, and it was upheld not just by the government of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who had created it, but also by France and their respective people, who also wanted to avoid a war at all costs. This changed drastically with the invasion of Poland in 1939, and it was then that both England and France changed their stance from appeasement into war declarations against Germany.