The correct options are: development of a consumer advertising industry and creation of a system welfare programs. I chose "development of a consumer advertsing industry" because during 1920s there was a rise of popular media. In 1923, for example, "Times" was crated and it became the first magazine in the United States which also publicated news. Moreover, during 1920, the radio became the mass communication it is nowadays, and it also became a commercial medium. Finally, I chose "creation of a system of social welfare" since during 1920 many programs of social welfare were created. I am going to list them for you.
- "The Child Walfare League of America" was founded in 1920.
- "The Women's Boreau" was founded to safeguard working conditions of women.
- Creation of the "American Association of Social Workers"
- Creation of the "Bureau of Indian Affairs Health Division"
- During 1927 "The American Association for Old- age Security", during 1929, social walfare was in crisis due to the Great Depression.
However, by the year 1929 social walfare was in crisis due to the effects of Great Depression.
These are the reasons why I decided to choose that two options, I hope it helps you.