Answer: 2430 bacteria.
When we have a quantity A, and we have an increase of the X%, the new quantity can be written as:
A + (X%/100%)*A
In this case, we have A = 10 bacteria.
And X% = 200%.
Then if we start with 10 bacteria.
After one day, we will have:
10 bacteria + (200%/100%)*10 bacteria
= 10 bacteria + 2*10 bacteria = 3*10 bacteria.
After another day, we will have:
3*10 bacteria + (200%/100%)*(3*10 bacteria)
3*10 bacteria + 2*(3*10 bacteria)
3*(3*10 bacteria)
10 bacteria*(3)^2
We already can see the pattern here.
After t days, we will have:
10 bacteria*(3)^t.
This is the equation f(t) we wanted:
f(t) =10 bacteria*(3)^t
after 5 days, we will have:
f(5) = 10 bacteria*(3)^5 = 2430 bacteria.