Disadvantages of having nuclear family are as follows :
(1) Couple, if both husband & wife is going to work then in that case they have to leave their child(dren) in baby - sitting, where they don't know how the baby - sitter take care of child.
(2) Wife after tiresome work have to prepare food etc.
(3)the disadvanates of a nuclear family is that it is just your mom and dad and brothers and sisters there is no one else to help out , with an extended family ifthings get rough you always have people to help out and give love and attention andcontribute to the household sharing duties whteher it is an uncle or aunt or cousin or grandparentsecurity n safety...People become more & more detached. Children come to know only their immediate family, & dont even recognize their cousins.The nuclear family has an inherent lack of extended support system, instability and a vulnerability to economic stress....Nuclear family misses the dependency and trust that builds automatically in a joint family system. Through thick and thin people.to align with the current trend some problems popped up. The major problem was the security of the family. Now the nuclear families, where both husband and wife are service holders a negative impact started the advantages and disadvantages of both types of families.The children are more happy in a joint family,because,for they have plenty of friends and elders to make them busy,tell them many fantacy stories &