Classical Roots 13A
Circle The letter of the best SYNONYM
Of the Word In All Caps
1. his SUAVE Manner a. insulting b. introspective c. awkward d. sensuous e. sophisticated
2. receive a(n) PRODIGAL allowance a. profuse b. provocative c. reliable d. mean e. ostensible
3. to ASSUAGE their doubts a. soothe b. mock c. increase d. reiterate e. admonish
Pick The Best ANTONYM
Of the Word In All Caps
4. to PROFANE her memory a. curse b. honor c. protect d. disagree with e.jeopardize
5. PROFUSE bleeding a. steady b. excessive c. slight d. occasional e. necessary
6. to FESTOON the gym a. clutter up b. profane c. decorate d. compliment e. modify
7. to place in JEOPARDY a. in suspense b. in doubt c. in safekeeping d. out of sight e. beyond reach
8. habitual PROCRASTINATION a. depression b. promptness c. lying d. exaggeration e. vigilance
please number your answers :)