15 votes
in each bouquet of flowers there are four roses and 6 white carnations complete the table to find how many roses and carnations you still are in four bouquets of flowers​

1 Answer

1 vote


so i hope im understanding this. for every 1 bouqet there is 4 roses 6 white carnations so the amount of roses in total you will need for the 4 bouques is 16 and the amount of carnations is 24


1 b= 4r an 6c r= roses c=carnations

sooo 4+4+4+4=16 6+6+6+6= 24

1b= 4r 6c

1b= 4r 6c

1b= 4r 6c

1b= 4r 6c

User DessDess
6.1k points