Final answer:
Jay did not understand that volume is constant regardless of the container's shape. This concept is important to understand substances' properties, such as their expansion when heated, which could pose problems if bottles are filled to the brim.
Step-by-step explanation:
Jay's situation involves a misunderstanding of the concept of volume. Volume is the amount of space that a substance or object occupies, and it does not change simply because the shape of the container changes. When Jay's father poured the juice into a taller, narrower glass, the volume of juice remained the same, despite appearing to be 'more' due to the increased height of the juice column.
To compare with another example: If you have two glasses of water that are full to the same level, but one contains a teaspoon of sugar and the other contains a quarter cup of sugar, the glass with the teaspoon of sugar actually has more water because the large amount of sugar in the second glass occupies more space.
Understanding volume is crucial when considering how different substances expand when warmed, as in the scenario of a farmer bottling grape juice. A 0.2% increase in volume due to expansion can cause issues if a bottle is filled to the brim, as the juice may expand more than the glass itself, potentially causing leakage or breakage.