2 votes
What happens during a committee hearing process?

2 Answers

0 votes
uch of the "heavy lifting" we do in the Legislature occurs in the committee process. We can go into more depth on the topics and witnesses can provide valuable testimony. We have 38 different committees, each with its own scope. As an example, all State revenue bills, adjustments to the tax code, appraisal bills and those affecting the taxing ability of other jurisdictions are the purview of the Ways and Means committee on which I serve.

Once a bill is drafted in the correct format and filed with The House Clerk, it is referred (sent) to one committee. The committee Chairman than determines if that bill merits a hearing. Significant bills and controversial bills have to be pushed by the author through this step since a bill without a hearing is dead.
User Stevie Star
6.1k points
1 vote
Committee hearings are a method by which committee members gather information to inform committee business. Business dealt with by hearings may be broadly classified into four categories: legislative, oversight, investigative, and consideration of presidential nominations.
User Hitesh Sahu
5.0k points