Which of the following sources are from a magazine?
Guadalupe, Tirso. Why House Cats Sleep So Much. New York: Just Like A Textbook Publishing, 2008. Print.
Allen, Gustavo. 101 Reasons Why People Love House Cats. New York: Sophistication Publishing, 2008. Print.
Primrosian, Theodore. "Nine Thousand Lives: The Curious Care of Cats." Feline Medical Resource 17 Oct. 2010: 22–35. Print.
Marshall, Bartholomew. "Knowing the Sleep Patterns of Dogs and Cats." Insights from Veterinarians 26 Nov. 2009: 40–52. Print.
Johnston, Jehoshaphat. "Nature Knows Best: When House Cats Sleep." Pet Encyclopedia Online. Animal Interests, 14 Feb. 2008. Web. 8 June 2013.
Taylor, Stephanie. Catnaps: Feline Sleep Revealed. Dallas: Scientific Curiosity Press, 2013. Print.