Deforestation may be seen as local problem with global consequences. Naoto (2006) found Africa to lead the list of countries with the highest rate of deforestation. Deforestation is an important form of environmental degradation which involves permanent loss of species, soil degradation, and impact of climate change. The world’s forests provide a great services and benefits to our ecosystems. Forests are crucial for the well being of humanity (Tunji et al.) In sub saharan Africa, the number of people living in poverty increased from 184 million in 1985 to 216 million in 1990. It is projected to rise to 300 million by the year 2000. SSA is the only region in the world where poverty is expected to increase (Diassarouba 2005). The people of sub saharan Africa rely on subsistence farming as their means for survival.They cut the forests in order to expand their farming land to feed their growing families.