Hey guys, I need help with this composition piece I have to write for English I have tried 3 times and keep getting it sent back to redo. I have no idea how to do this. could you guys help me out???
Write a composition using one of the topics listed below. Your composition needs to be three to five paragraphs long. It must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion
this is what I have so far. any advice will help!
1. Memorable day in your life.
One memorable day in my life, is giving birth to my first child. I remember is as it was just yesterday. I remember I had a doctor appointment to attend to about a rash on my arm I couldn’t get to go away. I had asked the doctor, “what this may be from?” The doctor had taken blood work and I remember waiting for at least an hour until the results had come back. I had some scary news about having to go upstairs to be monitored because my liver levels were very high. The scary words I heard from the doctors were “its either you or your baby to survive if we don’t get your live count under control. Off I go to get induced, four hours later baby and I were both safe and healthy. Now being 26, I have two beautiful children and I wouldn’t change anything. I did find out when I was pregnant with my second child that I had the same illness as I did with my first. It turned out that my liver must work twice as much while I’m pregnant. I would go through it all again to have my wonderful children in my life.