Please help me. I'm really stressed out with school and I just took a test I don't know if I did good on. It's really bothering me because when I was little I always felt like I was the smart kid, like I knew everything. Now, I feel stupid. I'm so stressed out about school that I can't function correctly. I get up super late, rarely eat breakfast, and I DREAD getting up to go to school. I have so much homework to do, a quiz every three days, a test every five days, and so much homework I need to complete by tomorrow. Right now I don't really have a reason to be living. I just feel all this stress will be removed if I just died right now. I've always had good grades, A's and B's, and I don't want my parents to hate me if I don't do well on this test, because they've always been the parents strict on grades. I feel if I don't do well, they'll never speak to me again and hate me forever.