This is weirdly written, but ill try to answer this in the more general way possible.
I will assume that the question is:
How can you produce more power than an excavator?
First, let's define what power is:
Power is the rate of doing work of transmitting heat, this means that for example if you with a shovel can remove 200g of soil per minute, and an excavator can remove 1kg of soil per minute, then the excavator will have more power than you. But this is not the only power that you and the machine are doing, the simple fact of moving the shovel requires work (remember that work is the movement caused by a force) and because the shovel is kinda light, it does not require a lot of work to move it. The case is different for the excavator, the moving pieces in the machine are really big, and weight a lot, so it is needed a lot of force to move them, which means that the simple movement of the machine already generates a lot more power than you.
Now, to answer the question: ignoring the case where the excavator is not working, a human (whit only his body) can not produce more power than an excavator.