Don't be afraid of anything other than being scared of things. There's nothing scary about somethings to other people that your scared of. That means your kind of paranoid. In which case being scared is scary and scary is not good; it makes you feel like your dead. So fear is just a feeling. Don't take it into the real world in physical form. Keep it on the inside or remove it from yourself. Just thinking about the negative possibilities means your making yourself change your mind into saying no. Try something before you say no. If there's multiple solutions then try it more then once to see the multiple solutions until you get past it. In summary, being scared is something you should be scared of bc its like getting hurt each time it happens. When you get scared *pinch* again *pinch* again *pinch and so on. DO NOT BE SCARED UNTIL YOU"VE TRIED IT AND IN SOME CASES MULTIPLE TIMES...