The final amount you will pay is $68.04.
The tip is determined by the pre-tax amount, so we calculate the tip based on the original bill, not after we've added sales tax.
To find the tip:
We can divide 54.00 by 100 to get 1% of 54. Then we multiply that by 18.
54 / 100 = .54
.54 x 18 = 9.72
Tip = 9.72$
To find the tax:
We can divide 54.00 by 100 to get 1% of 54. Then we can multiply that by 8 to get 8%.
54 / 100 = .54
.54 x 8 = 4.32
Tax= 4.32
Now we can add the tip and tax to the bill to get our total.
54 + 9.72 + 4.32 = 68.04
Total: $68.04