Slow and steady wins the race.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
Penny wise, pound foolish.
Step-by-step explanation:
I interviewed my grand father who is almost 65 years of age. He uses many phrases and saying whenever he is teaching us something. We learn alot from his experiences. My grandfather always says that slow and steady wins the race which means that going panic can make you loose the game.
He often says that one man trash is another man treasure and this is true as I have seen example from my own eyes. One can throw away the food in the garbage but beggars find food in the garbage and eat it to stay alive.
Penny wise pound foolish is the most used phrase by my grand father. He says that you can save pennies in the box but cannot save pound in the box. You look for the things that save few pennies but you spend pounds on other luxuries without thinking about its necessity.