a. Education
Producer = Provides public schools
Regulator = Government sets graduation requirements
Purchaser of goods = In awarding scholarships, the government is paying for school fees and buying education.
b. Utilities
Producer = Government provides water to residents
Regulator = Government regulates nuclear energy industry
Consumer = Government departments buy electricity for use.
c. Transportation
Producer = Government builds roads for transport
Regulator = The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulates aviation transport.
Consumer = Private contractors transport military and are paid for it.
d. Credit Markets
Producer = Government provides low interest loans to farmers
Regulator = Fed mandates reserve requirements to Banks
Consumer = Fed buys bonds in open market operations.
e. Insurance markets
Producer = Government provides an unemployment scheme
Regulator = Laws governing the rejection of claims by insurer
Consumer = Government pays for Medicaid
f. Food
Producer = Department of Agriculture farms for experimentation purposes
Regulator = FDA requires that food in restaurants are cooked in certain sanitary conditions.
Consumer = Government pays for food stamps which allows people to get food.
g. Housing
Producer = Johnston Square Apartments built by State of Maryland for affordable housing.
Regulator = Housing codes by Counties
Consumer = Government subsidises rent for some people