1. Guptas
The Gupta Empire ruled in India from the mid-to-late 3rd century to 543, it was founded by Sri Gupta, and since then, every ruler was called "Gupta", some of them were Chandragupta-I, Samudragupta, Chandragupta-II, Kumaragupta-I and Skandagupta, the last of the great Gupta rulers and whose reign ended when he died in 467. At the moment of Skandagupta's death, the Empire began to decline sharply under other Gupta Emperors until it came to an end.
2. Constant attack by the Huns
Since late of the 5th century, the Empire, already weakened, had been constantly attacked by a nomadic people named Alchon Huns. By the beginning of 500 AD, the Huns finally seized much of the empire in the northwest. It was not until 1510 that the old Gupta empire could defeat the Huns, but the Empire could not last much longer.
3. Delhi Sultans
The Delhi Sultans was a strong and sovereign group of Muslims that conquered the north Indian plain and the one that founded Muslim rule in India.
4. Rajput
Rajput was not a Sultan Leader. This term refers to a member of a clan of western, central, northern India and some parts of Pakistan, that descended from ruling Hindu warrior classes of North India, and whose cluster ruled in majority from 6th until the 20th century in the princely states of Rajasthan and Surashtra.
5. In the Caste System
India firmly believed in the Caste System and its society was divided according to it. Under the system, a person's position in society was determined from the time they were born and such position could not be changed. The system was divided into the Brahmins or priests, the warriors, the merchants and traders and the untouchables (the lowest class).