4 votes
Which of the following objects would have the strongest gravitational pull on a third object positioned at an equal distance from both boxes

Box A is 3 times bigger than Box B but Box A weighs 100g & Box B weighs 10,000 g

1 Answer

4 votes
I believe Box B will have a greater gravitational pull because the gravitational pull of an object depends on its mass. The more mass an object has, the greater its gravitational pull will become.

For example, we can take planets. Naturally, they are round because once upon a time there was a larger piece of rock that attracted others. But the size of the rock won't matter, it's the weight that matters. If the rock weighed nothing, the other rocks would just rebound upon contact. But if the rock weighed a lot, then things wouldn't so easily rebound and might actually stick to it.
User Luca Taccagni
8.0k points